Best Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken Recipe

Craving for a hearty Portobello Mushroom Chicken meal straight from Texas Roadhouse? Well, fear not! We’ve come up with a simple recipe that will satisfy your cravings right at home. Texas Roadhouse Mushroom Chicken with creamy Portobello mushroom sauce will take you on a tasteful journey to the heart of Texas.

If it’s your first time trying out copycat recipes or you’re a pro seeking new exciting chicken meals, this Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken recipe is just the ticket.

Side view of final Texas Roadhouse Portobello mushroom chicken dish.
Get ready, because your tastebuds are about to take a joyride!

Why This Recipe Works

The combination of meaty chicken breasts and sautéed portobello mushrooms, topped with a rich and creamy sauce and melted cheese, makes it a perfect dish.

  • The Charm of Portobello: This recipe captures the essence of the Texas Roadhouse dish by using portobello mushrooms. These babies are big, meaty, and have a unique flavor that takes this chicken recipe from “meh” to “magnificent”!
  • Cheese Makes Everything Better: You bet it does! The Monterey Jack and parmesan cheese combo brings a rich, velvety taste and texture that ties the whole dish together.
A slice of chicken breast smothered in mushroom sauce.
Slice of life, or slice of heaven? We think both.

The Lowdown on Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken

If you’ve ever stepped foot in a Texas Roadhouse restaurant, you know it’s a carnivore’s paradise. Texas Roadhouse is renowned for its succulent Portobello Mushroom Chicken. This way recipe brings the exact savoriness and charm to your home kitchen. The dish is a perfect marriage of juicy chicken, umami-loaded portobellos, and a deliciously creamy cheese topping. Just writing about it makes my taste buds dance the Cha-Cha!

So, how does this symphony of flavor work? First, we have the star of the show – the chicken breasts, which provide a firm, yet tender, protein base. The portobello mushrooms, with their deep, earthy taste, make the perfect accompaniment. And let’s not forget the luxurious layer of cheese that gives a smooth, savory finish. In this Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken copycat recipe, each ingredient plays its part like a musician in an orchestra.

Detailed close-up of cooked Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom chicken.
Close enough to taste, isn’t it?

The beauty of the Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken is its simplicity. The star players are the chicken and the Portobello mushrooms. However, don’t be fooled by this simplicity. The key to the unique flavor profile of this dish is the types of mushrooms used. Specifically, the Portobello mushrooms bring a deep, earthy flavor to this dish that makes it stand out from other chicken recipes.

But enough of the music metaphors, let’s cut to the chase! Can you recreate this delicacy at home? Absolutely! And the best part? It’s as easy as pie. Well, easier. Who needs to knead dough anyway?

Close-up shot of final Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom chicken dish.
If your mouth isn’t watering, are you even human?


For a magical dish like our Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken, you need just a few items. So, let’s get our ducks in a row and line up our ingredients:

  • Boneless Chicken Breasts: The star of the dish. Use fresh chicken for best results. For added flavor, consider marinating the chicken overnight in a mix of spices and a touch of olive oil.
  • Monterey Jack Cheese: This cheese melts well and has a mild flavor that complements the chicken and mushrooms perfectly.
  • Parmesan Cheese: This is for the extra cheesy flavor and beautiful golden crust on top. Freshly grated parmesan cheese tends to melt better than pre-grated versions.
  • Portobello Mushrooms: The key to getting that unique Texas Roadhouse flavor is in the mushrooms. We’re using chopped Portobello mushrooms, known for their rich, meaty texture.

A heap of fresh, raw Portobello mushrooms.
Portobellos ready for their spotlight moment!
  • Soybean Oil or Butter: This is used to sauté the mushrooms and make the sauce. Butter gives a richer flavor, but if you prefer a lighter taste, soybean oil works perfectly.
  • All-purpose Flour: This will thicken your sauce. Remember to stir continuously to prevent lumps.
  • Cream of Mushroom Soup: The base of your sauce, this adds a creamy mushroom flavor to your dish.
  • Granulated Garlic, Salt, Sugar, White Pepper: These are seasonings for your sauce. Feel free to adjust quantities to taste
Heaped, finely grated Monterey Jack cheese.
Jack of all cheeses, master of melting!


  • Large Skillet: This will be used to sauté your mushrooms and cook your chicken. Make sure it’s deep enough to handle the sauce and wide enough to fit your chicken breasts. Cast-iron skillet is the best option.
  • Saucepan: You’ll use this to make the mushroom sauce. A medium-sized saucepan should do the trick.
  • Baking Dish: If you decide to melt your cheese in the oven, you’ll need a baking dish. A standard 9×13 inch dish should be large enough for 6-8 chicken breasts.
  • Cutting Board and Knife: To dice your mushrooms and prepare your chicken.
  • Whisk or Spoon: For stirring your sauce and ensuring it doesn’t lump.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: To ensure you’re adding the correct amount of each ingredient.

Let’s Roll up Our Sleeves and Prep!

Preparation is key, my friends. Even the most seasoned chefs can’t whip up a dish without a bit of prep. Here’s what we need to do:

  1. Prep Your Chicken: Pat your chicken dry with a kitchen towel to remove any excess moisture. Then, give every piece of chicken a little oil massage (they deserve it after a long day at the supermarket!). Add a bit of salt and pepper to taste. Set them aside, they need some time to relax and soak up all that flavor.
  2. Dice Your Mushrooms: Cut your portobello mushrooms into small, even pieces. This helps them cook uniformly and gives a consistent flavor throughout the dish.
  3. Shred Your Cheese: Shred your Monterey Jack and parmesan cheese. Freshly shredded cheese melts better and faster than pre-packaged shredded cheese.
Raw chicken breasts on a cutting board.
Chickening out is not an option here!

Cooking Instructions

The Grand Sauce Production

  1. Creamy Beginnings: Take your thickened cream of mushroom soup and water. Mix these two together until you get a smooth and unified texture. This delightful combo is the base for our sauce, so let’s set it aside for a moment.
  2. Getting Things Heated: Bring your cup of soybean oil or butter to life on low heat in a medium saucepan. This is the gentle beginning of our delicious sauce journey.
  3. The Mushroom Saunter: Add your sliced portobello mushrooms to the oil. Give them a good stir for about 2-3 minutes or until they’re soft and they’ve soaked up some of the oil. Keep your spatula moving to make sure every mushroom gets its turn in the hot oil spotlight.
  4. Flour Showers: Now, sprinkle in your cup of flour over the sauteed mushrooms. Keep stirring to avoid the flour from burning or clumping up. This creates a roux.
  5. Joining Forces: Pour the mushroom soup and water mixture into the saucepan, making sure everything gets well acquainted. Stir it well until you have a beautiful, unified sauce-in-progress.
  6. Boiling Point: Turn it up to medium heat, bringing the sauce to a lively boil for about 3-5 minutes. The sauce is then brought to a soft boil for maximum flavor infusion. Remember, we want our sauce silky, not lumpy!
  7. Spice it Up: Now it’s time to jazz it up. Add your granulated garlic, salt, sugar, and white pepper. Stir it up to make sure everything’s evenly distributed.
  8. Keep it Simmering: Let the sauce simmer on low heat while you turn your attention to the chicken. Don’t forget to stir occasionally to keep it smooth and avoid sticking. We don’t want any lumps, now do we?
Sauteed Portobello mushrooms in a large skillet.
Portobellos taking a hot bath in the skillet spa!
Rich and creamy homemade Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom sauce.
We’re all about that sauce, ’bout that sauce, no trouble!

Chicken Preparation

  1. Chicken Ready: Take your chicken breasts, season them well with salt and pepper, then give them a good coating of oil.
  2. Heat Wave: Put a large frying pan over medium-high heat and let it get nicely hot.
  3. Golden Moments: Place your chicken breasts in the pan. Cook them for about 7-8 minutes each side, until they have a beautiful golden brown color. Ensure the chicken is fully cooked through to a safe temperature of 165°F (74°C).
  4. Perfectly Cooked: Check your chicken. There shouldn’t be any pink left inside. If it’s all white, you’re good to go!
Chicken breasts frying in a large skillet.
No fowl play here, just pure pan-fried perfection!

Assembling the Masterpiece

  1. Oven Ready: Preheat your oven to 450°F on the broil setting.
  2. Cheese Time: Lay your golden brown chicken breasts in a baking tray. Top each piece with the mushroom sauce and a slice of Monterey Jack cheese. The cheese should form a beautiful snowy blanket over your chicken and mushrooms.
  3. Melting Moments: Place the baking dish in the oven. Broil for about 2-3 minutes, until the cheese is bubbly and slightly golden. Keep a close eye on it to avoid burning the cheese.
Baking dish with chicken and Monterey jack cheese in the oven.
Baking the love into our Texas Roadhouse-inspired dish.

Serving Up

  1. Cool Down: Allow your dish to cool down for a few minutes before serving. This helps the flavors to settle and makes it easier to serve.
  2. Ready to Serve: Your Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken is now ready to be enjoyed! Serve it while it’s still warm, perhaps with a side of mashed potatoes or some fresh vegetables. Get ready for a dining experience that’ll have you feeling like a true Texan! Enjoy, y’all!
Chicken breasts smothered in rich, creamy Portobello mushroom sauce.
Who knew a good smothering could be this delicious?

Ingredient Substitutions

So, maybe chicken’s not your thing, or you’re all about cheddar cheese? Well, my friend, you’re in luck. Here are some stellar substitutions that won’t compromise the heart of the recipe.

  • Tender strips: Feel free to experiment with different chicken meat cuts.
  • Fish: Swap out chicken for a sturdy white fish like cod or haddock. Now, you’ve got Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Fish. Fancy, right?
  • Beef Steak: Feeling extra carnivorous? Go ahead and replace the chicken with beef steak for a heartier bite.
  • Cheddar Cheese: Not a fan of Monterey Jack? No problem! Use cheddar cheese for a tangier punch.
Pouring creamy Portobello mushroom sauce over baked chicken breasts.
When chicken meets mushroom sauce, magic happens.

What to Serve with Your Masterpiece

Alright, you’ve nailed the main event, but what about the supporting cast? Here’s what you can serve with your mouth-watering Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken to round out the meal.

  • Buttered Corn: It’s simple, it’s classic, and it’s the perfect sweet contrast to our savory star.
  • Fresh Vegetables: A simple side salad or steamed veggies are a great healthy addition.
  • Mashed Potatoes: Creamy and comforting, these are a crowd-pleaser.
  • Baked Potato: For a heartier option, a fully loaded baked potato fits the bill.

Pro Tips for a Standing Ovation

Remember, cooking isn’t just about following a recipe, it’s also about adding your personal touch. Here are some tips to elevate your culinary performance to a standing ovation.

  • Sauté your mushrooms until they’re golden brown. It adds depth to the flavor.
  • When adding the cheese, cover the pan to make it melt faster.
  • Experiment with seasonings! Cumin or smoked paprika could add a whole new dimension.
  • Add a squeeze of lemon juice to the mushrooms while sautéing them to enhance their flavor.
  • Garlic powder can be used instead of granulated garlic for a more subtle taste.
Aerial view of a cooked Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom chicken dish.
Hovering over culinary bliss. Mind swooping in for a bite?

Other Texas Roadhouse Recipes

Do you like Texas Roadhouse recipes? Or are you looking for some twist? Check out my flavorful Texas Roadhouse Herb Crusted Chicken recipe. Or if you’re after a great party meal, give Texas Roadhouse Chicken Critters a try.

Side view of final Texas Roadhouse Portobello mushroom chicken dish.
Get ready, because your tastebuds are about to take a joyride!

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve only got button mushrooms in the fridge. Can I use those instead of Portobellos?

You bet! While Portobellos bring a unique flavor and texture to the dish, button mushrooms will still make a delicious dinner. So go ahead and use what you have on hand. Just remember, it might taste slightly different from the original recipe. And hey, cooking is all about experimentation, right?

Oops, I’ve run out of soybean oil. Any ideas for substitutes?

No worries at all! You can easily swap the soybean oil for a neutral oil like canola or vegetable oil. If you’re feeling fancy and want a richer taste, butter will do the trick! Remember, it’s all about making the recipe work for you.

I have a block of cheddar cheese but no Monterey Jack. Can I use cheddar instead?

Absolutely! The main goal here is to use a cheese that melts well and adds a delightful creamy texture. Cheddar or even mozzarella are excellent substitutes for Monterey Jack. It’s all cheese at the end of the day, and cheese is always a good idea!

How long should I cook the chicken? I’m always worried about undercooking it.

I hear you! Chicken can be tricky. Typically, it should take about 6-7 minutes per side over medium-high heat. But sizes and thicknesses can vary, so the best way to be sure is to use a meat thermometer. You’re aiming for an internal temperature of 165°F to make sure it’s safe to eat. You’re doing great, keep going!

Searing chicken pieces on a hot grill pan
Hear that sizzle? That’s our chicken getting its grill on!


How long can I store the dish? In an airtight container, this dish can last in the fridge for up to 3-4 days.

Wrap it up: Conclusion

So there you have it, the perfect dish for your next meal! This tasty way to make Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken at home is sure to impress your family and friends. The combination of tender strips of chicken, creamy sauce, and melted cheese is the comfort food you didn’t know you needed. Enjoy!

 With meaty chicken and sautéed portobello mushrooms under a layer of melted cheese, it’s the best way to bring the Texas Roadhouse experience home. So, whether you’re cooking for one or hosting a dinner party, this dish is always a great choice. So go ahead, put on your chef’s hat and let your culinary adventure begin!

Header image of Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom chicken dish.

Best Texas Roadhouse Portobello Mushroom Chicken Recipe

7737f8c28c2cc5158e14eaf64d376635Apron Ace
My take on Texas Roadhouse's Portobello Mushroom Chicken will send your taste buds into overdrive. This dish combines juicy chicken, creamy mushroom sauce, and melted Monterey Jack cheese for an unforgettable culinary experience. It's the perfect family meal that everyone will love!
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes
Course Dinner, Lunch, Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4 people
Calories 770 kcal


  • 1 Large skillet
  • 1 Baking dish
  • 1 Saucepan
  • 1 Whisk
  • 1 cutting board
  • 1 kitchen knife
  • 1 Oven


For the Chicken

  • 2 lbs chicken breasts
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper

For the Mushroom Sauce

  • 0.75 lbs Portobello mushrooms (4 mushrooms, chopped)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic (minced)
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp black pepper


  • 1 cup Monterey Jack cheese (grated)



  • Start off by preheating your oven to 375 °F to get it all warmed up for the baking part later.
  • While the oven is preheating, season the chicken breasts with salt, pepper, and garlic powder on both sides. Set them aside for 10 minutes to absorb the flavors.

Chicken Cooking

  • Next, heat up your large skillet over medium-high heat. Swirl in your soybean oil and let it get nice and hot.
  • Add the seasoned chicken breasts to the hot skillet. Cook for about 5-7 minutes on each side, until they are golden brown. Remember, we're not cooking them all the way through, just getting a nice brown crust.

Mushroom Sauce

  • Using another large skillet (or clean the one from the chicken), heat it over medium heat for 2 minutes. Add some soybean oil, followed by the chopped portobello mushrooms. Sauté the mushrooms for about 5-6 minutes, until tender.
  • Stir in the minced garlic, cooking for another 1 minute until fragrant.
  • Pour in the heavy cream, followed by the sour cream. Stir well to combine and let it simmer for about 5-7 minutes until it thickens into a creamy sauce. Season with salt and pepper.

Assembling and Baking

  • Transfer the browned chicken breasts to a baking tray. Pour the creamy mushroom sauce over each piece, ensuring they're all well-covered.
  • Sprinkle Monterey Jack cheese over the sauce-covered chicken. This will melt into a cheesy crust.
  • Bake the tray in your preheated oven for about 20-25 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through (165 °F internal temperature) and the cheese is bubbly and slightly golden.


  • Allow the dish to rest for 5 minutes before serving. This helps the juices redistribute within the chicken, making it extra juicy.
  • Serve this delicious Portobello Mushroom Chicken with a side of your choice, and enjoy a filling, satisfying meal!


  • If you prefer other types of mushrooms, feel free to substitute.
  • This recipe is versatile and works wonderfully with whatever you have on hand.
  • For a low-carb version, replace the all-purpose flour with almond flour.


Calories: 770kcalCarbohydrates: 18gProtein: 60gFat: 50gSaturated Fat: 22gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 20gTrans Fat: 0.03gCholesterol: 238mgSodium: 1147mgPotassium: 1260mgFiber: 2gSugar: 4gVitamin A: 1163IUVitamin C: 3mgCalcium: 272mgIron: 2mg
Keyword Baked Chicken, Chicken Recipe, Delicious Chicken, Easy Dinner, easy recipe, Monterey Jack Cheese, Mushroom Sauce, Oven Baked, Portobello Mushroom Chicken, Sauteed Mushrooms, Texas Roadhouse
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