35 Items You Should Never Put in a Garbage Disposal

A garbage disposal is a handy kitchen appliance that grinds up food waste and sends it down the drain. However, problems can arise from improper operation and putting the wrong stuff inside. This can result in strange noises, unpleasant odors, or a shortened lifespan. Not fun.

To avoid these issues, it is important to practice proper maintenance and know what you should and shouldn’t put inside your disposal. That’s where this comprehensive article comes in. I will provide you with some best practices and no-nos for using your garbage disposal, all backed by official manufacturer recommendations.

So let’s dive in and learn how to keep your garbage disposal happy and healthy in the long run!

Consider your plumbing, not just the disposal unit

plumbing system mystery
Considering the entire waste disposal system, instead of just the grinder unit alone, is crucial.

When you use a garbage disposal, it’s crucial to keep in mind the food waste you put in your kitchen sink. It can affect your plumbing and pipes too. The extent to which you can use your disposal depends on the model you have, and this list is based on general, basic models. 

However, even if your disposal can handle certain foods, your pipes might not be able to. It’s critical to consider both aspects before using your disposal to avoid any potential plumbing issues.

One aspect to consider is the disposal unit itself, while the other is the drainage pipes. This guide aims to cover both aspects, so you can ensure that both your disposal and pipes work seamlessly. So let’s dive into some best practices and no-nos about what to put in your disposal, keeping in mind both your appliance and your plumbing.

What do garbage disposal manufacturers recommend?

Recycle bins
Certain types of waste are simply better to be sorted separately.

Garbage disposals come in different tiers with varying levels of horsepower. Garbage disposals with ½ hp or ¾ hp should be adequate for the typical home. However, cooks who use the disposal on a daily basis and need to grind tougher waste, including bones, may want to opt for a higher tier model with more horsepower.

Different manufacturers have different recommendations for their models. Waste King states that all types of food waste can be put down your disposal, such as vegetable peels, fibrous materials, small bones, fruit pits, etc. However, they also advise that items such as large whole bones should not be put in the disposal.

What are the best known models of garbage disposals?

Emerson’s InSinkErator Badger series has different models with varying capabilities. Some models have 2-stage MultiGrind Technology for tougher food scraps like chicken bones while others have 3-stage MultiGrind Technology for heavy-duty food scraps like beef bones.

Wastemaid’s waste disposer units can officially deal with small chicken or duck bones. Their economy-sized units can grind up basic food waste while their mid-range units can handle even harder foods like corn on the cob and fruits and vegetables. However, for doing so, it is better to upgrade to higher-end units. They are designed to tackle chicken bones, duck bones, and even ribs.

Spare ribs
Looks tempting, right? However you should avoid the temptation to throw the bones in the disposer unless you have a high-end unit.

It is important to note that while some manufacturers recommend grinding animal bones, it is usually only for small bones. The idea is that as the bones are being shredded, the broken-up yet hard bone tissues help scour the details inside the chamber. However, it is essential to check the specifications of your specific garbage disposal model before grinding any type of bone.

What waste do you typically process?

In essence, it’s important to check the specifications of your specific garbage disposal model before putting hard or fibrous waste inside. Stuff like banana peels or bones require higher end models. People who use their disposal frequently and need to grind tougher waste, including bones, should consider opting for a higher-tier model with more horsepower.

Breaking bad habits: how to keep your garbage disposal running smoothly

Be careful with food such as celery.

We all have bad habits, and some of them can damage your garbage disposal. Let’s take a look at some common examples of what not to do when using your disposal to ensure its longevity.

These bad habits can lead to dull or broken blades, resulting in difficulty grinding food waste, or even cause drain blockages, leading to sink backups. If there is any grease on the disposed items, it can solidify in the pipes below the disposal, causing a clog that requires a licensed plumber’s intervention to clear.

It’s essential you avoid putting unsuitable items down the disposal, keeping it running smoothly for longer. Another critical factor is regular cleaning and maintenance of the disposal to ensure its optimal performance.

If you have a compost pile or a compost bin, consider putting some of the waste there. It is a great way to get rid of the waste while creating a valuable fertilizer.

You grind Fibrous Food

Fibrous fruits and vegetables can wrap around the blades of the garbage disposal, causing it to jam or malfunction. Examples of fibrous food include celery, corn husks, and onion skins. If you put fibrous food down the disposal, it can damage the blades and cause difficulty grinding food waste.

You grind Hard Objects

The hard shells of these guys will give most grinders a hard time.

Hard objects such as bones or fruit pits can damage the blades of the garbage disposal, leading to a malfunction. It is important to avoid putting these types of objects down the drain to prevent damage to the disposal blades.

You dispose of too much waste at once

Putting too much waste down the garbage disposal at once can cause it to clog or jam. To prevent this, feed waste into the disposal gradually and use enough water while grinding.

You use too little water

Using enough water while grinding food waste is essential to prevent clogs and jams. Water helps flush waste through the disposal and into the drain pipes. If you don’t use enough water while grinding, it can cause difficulty grinding food waste.

You put Non-Food Items inside

Never put non-food items such as paper, plastic, or metal down the garbage disposal. These items can damage the blades and cause the disposal to stop working. If you put non-food items down the disposal, it can damage the blades and cause difficulty grinding food waste.

How to keep your garbage disposal running smoothly: simple tips

Vinegar soda lemon
Vinegar, soda, lemon. These guys can be a real help to keep your garbage disposal happy.

Having a happy grinder is quite simple. By following these simple best practices, you can keep your garbage disposal running smoothly for longer and avoid any unnecessary repairs. Remember to always use cold water, avoid putting unsuitable items down the disposal, and clean it regularly with a simple solution of dish soap and ice cubes.

Run cold water before and after grinding

Before and after grinding food waste, run cold water for 20-30 seconds. This helps ensure all food goes down the drain pipes instead of collecting in the grinder chamber and stinking up the kitchen.

Use dish soap and lemon juice ice cubes for cleaning

For a quick and easy cleaning solution, use dish soap and ice cubes made of lemon juice or vinegar. This not only cleans your disposal but also leaves it smelling fresh.

Can I use hot water to clean my garbage disposal?

Yes, you can use hot water to clean your garbage disposal. You can mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar and flush it with very hot or boiling water to clean your disposal.

Should I use hot water while grinding food waste in my garbage disposal?

No, you should avoid using hot water while grinding food waste in your garbage disposal. Hot water can cause grease and oil from fatty foods to liquefy and accumulate, which can clog your drain. Instead, you should use cold water while grinding food waste to help solidify grease and oil and make it easier to grind up before reaching your P-trap.

What items should you ever not put in your garbage disposal

Can I put chicken bones in a garbage disposal?

Chicken bones
Can you put chicken bones in garbage disposal?

In general, it is not recommended to put bones in the garbage disposal as they can damage the blades and cause clogs in the drain pipes, even though some garbage disposals are designed to handle bones. Manufacturers offer varying recommendations for their models, with some capable of processing residues of small chicken bones and higher horsepower units designed to handle tougher food scraps like beef bones. To avoid any issues, it is best to consult the manual for your specific model or avoid putting bones in the disposal altogether.

Have a look at my detailed guide I wrote about putting chicken bones in garbage disposals.

Properly disposing of chicken bones is important to reduce waste and avoid attracting pests and unpleasant odors. Composting is a great option if you have a compost pile or bin, although it is recommended to cook the bones first to reduce bacteria. Alternatively, you can dispose of them in the trash, wrapped in a paper towel.

Can I put other bones like ribs in a garbage disposal?

You should not put bones down the garbage disposal. Even though smaller bones can technically be ground up, larger bones can cause the garbage disposal blades to jam or the drain to clog. Additionally, bones can dull or damage the blades of the disposal, resulting in expensive repairs or replacements. To prolong the life of your disposal, it is best to avoid putting any bones down it and dispose of them in the trash instead.

Can coffee grounds be put in a garbage disposal?

Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds? Not a good idea for your piping.

You should not put coffee grounds down a garbage disposal. Coffee grounds are mostly insoluble and can stick together to form a sticky residue. This buildup can cause clogged pipes and drainage problems. Although small amounts of coffee grounds are usually safe for the garbage disposal, large quantities can accumulate in the pipes and cause clogs. To avoid such problems, it is best to dispose of coffee grounds in the trash or compost.

Can I put rice, instant rice or brown rice in the garbage disposal? 

Nope! Rice is naturally sticky and expands when mixed with water, which can leave a sticky residue on your disposal blades and gears. Not a good look. 

But that’s not all: starchy foods like rice, pasta, and potatoes can turn into a mushy mess that clogs your drain and gums up your garbage disposal. Yuck! So, what should you do with your leftover grains and carbs? Toss them in the green bin, compost pile, or garbage container. Trust us, your garbage disposal and plumbing pipes will thank you for it!

Can I put pasta in the garbage disposal? 

No. It might seem harmless, but it can lead to sticky residue and pieces that can coat your disposal blades and gears, causing them to be less effective. Small amounts of pasta are okay, but strictly avoid large volumes at once and rinse thoroughly.

Plus, large amounts of starchy foods like pasta can turn into a mushy mess that will clog your drain and gum up your disposal. To avoid this mess, dispose of pasta in your green bin, compost pile, or garbage container. If you must put small amounts of pasta down the disposal, make sure to rinse it thoroughly and avoid large volumes at once.

Can I put corn husks in a garbage disposal?

Corn husks
Corn husks are not a good idea. Really powerful units are necessary to tackle these.

No, as a rule of thumb you shouldn’t. Manufacturers advise against putting them in the disposal due to their strings and fibers that can get entangled in the gears. Although high-power models can grind them up, basic models are not suited for it. Corn husks and cobs contain fibrous material that can cause jamming problems.

Can I put shrimp shells in the garbage disposal? 

No. These tough shells can bend or break the blades and leave behind a lingering smell. While higher-end models may be able to handle shrimp shells, it’s still better to err on the side of caution and avoid putting them down the disposal, especially if you’re using a lower-end model. Stick to food waste that you know your disposal can handle, and keep it running smoothly for longer.

Can I put clams, oysters or seafood shells in a garbage disposal? 

No, you should not put clam or oyster shells down the garbage disposal. They can potentially jam the unit and cause damage to internal parts. It is best to avoid putting any seafood shells down the garbage disposal as they can damage the disposal unit’s blade or cause a clog.

Can I put dirt in the garbage disposal? 

No, you should not put dirt down the garbage disposal. While it may not harm the disposal itself if rinsed properly, it can clog your plumbing. Cleaning dirt off of something should be done outside or over a trash can.

Can I put egg shells in the garbage disposal? 

egg shells
Egg shells? Not an ideal meal for your garbage disposal.

No, it is not recommended to put egg shells down the garbage disposal. The thin membrane on the inside of egg shells can wrap around the blades of your garbage disposal and cause a blockage. The egg shells themselves grind down into a sand-like texture that can clog your pipes. It is best to dispose of egg shells in your green bin, compost pile or garbage container.

Ground-up egg shells can stick to the sides of pipes, leading to clogs. While they won’t hurt the disposal itself, they can turn into little pieces that clog drains over time.

Can I put flour in the garbage disposal? 

No, you should not put flour down the garbage disposal. While most garbage disposals will have no problem with flour, even if it’s thick and pasty, flour is bad for your plumbing and can lead to slow drains and clogged pipes. It is best to dispose of flour in the trash or compost.

Can I put fat, grease, and oil down the garbage disposal?

Grilled fish
You should be very careful with greasy waste after grilling.

Putting fat, grease, and oil down the garbage disposal is a big no-no. These substances can pass through the disposal and then clog your drain, leading to sewer overflows and backups for homeowners. 

Dishwashing detergents and garbage disposals can’t break down these materials, which build up over time and can solidify in your disposal and pipes, causing clogged drains. Instead, toss these culprits into the trash. And always remember to run cold water when using your garbage disposal.

Can I put hair down the garbage disposal? 

No, you should not put hair down the garbage disposal or any drain if it can be avoided. Human and pet hair are a leading cause of clogs and should never be put down any drain if it can be avoided. Hair can accumulate in your disposal and pipes, causing clogged drains.

Can I put onion skins in the garbage disposal?

Composting bin
Composting bin can be a handy option for organic waste.

Generally not. While you can put onion skins in the garbage disposal, but you should do it with caution. The papery outer skin is safe to dispose of, but the fleshy layer under it can pass through the disposal and cause a clog in the drain. It can also tangle around the blades and cause a blockage. It’s best to avoid using your garbage disposal for these vegetables to prevent potential issues.

Can I put potato peels in the garbage disposal?

No, you should not put potato peels down the garbage disposal.  Large quantities of starchy foods like potatoe peels can create a gluey mess in your garbage disposal, which can cause bad smells and clog your drain. They have a high starch content, which turns into a sticky paste when combined with water. The paste can cling to the blades and sides of your garbage disposal, eventually clogging the unit.

Can I put chickpeas in a garbage disposal?

Rather not. They can become too fibrous and can cause clogs.

Can I put lentils in the garbage disposal?

Do not put lentils down a garbage disposal because they can easily clog the pipes by sticking to the sides. To dispose of lentils, it is best to use your green bin, compost pile, or garbage container.

Can I put dry beans in the garbage disposal?

No, it is not safe to put dry beans in the garbage disposal. The fibers in dry beans can cause serious damage to your pipes, as they tend to expand greatly when exposed to water.

Can I put green beans in the garbage disposal?

Recycling bin
You are better off simply to recycle or compost certain types of waste.

No, it is not recommended to put green beans in the garbage disposal. The fibers in green beans can become entangled in the blades, potentially leading to a clogged disposal.

Can I put kidney beans in the garbage disposal?

No, it is not advisable to put kidney beans in the garbage disposal. If they are uncooked, they can easily clog your pipes.

Can I put lima beans in the garbage disposal?

No, it is not safe to put lima beans in the garbage disposal. The fibers in lima beans can get caught in the blades and cause a blockage in your sink.

Can I put black beans in the garbage disposal?

No, it is not safe to put black beans in the garbage disposal. The fibers in black beans are highly fibrous and can cause significant damage to your pipes, even if they are cooked or from a can.

Can I put dairy products in the garbage disposal?

Lemon peel
Things like this are what the garbage disposal has no trouble with.

Pouring dairy products like cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, stinky cheese, blue cheese down your drains is not recommended. They can cause bad odors and clogs in your garbage disposal and pipes. 

Can I put raw meat in the garbage disposal? 

Raw beef and pork should not go down the disposal. Spoiled beef and pork can technically go, but they might have a pungent smell. Raw chicken should never go down the disposal due to the risk of carrying salmonella. However leftover scraps or bits of cooked meat are generally safe.

Can I put bread in the garbage disposal?

You should not put bread down a garbage disposal. Although a small torn-up slice is okay, bread and grains can expand in your pipes, leading to clogs. When ground with water, bread’s high amounts of gluten make it very sticky, which can clog the disposal. It is best to dispose of bread in your green bin, compost pile, or garbage container.

Can I put cereal in the garbage disposal? 

Generally not a good idea. You can try just small quantities, but it is advisable to pour it slowly with plenty of running water. If poured too quickly, the grains can expand and clog your pipes. It is also recommended to use cold water to prevent the cereal from releasing starch and causing further issues.

Can I put corn in the garbage disposal? 

Composted organic waste
A happy compost pile.

No, it is not recommended to put corn down the garbage disposal. Corn fibers can get tangled around the blades and lead to clogs in the disposal.

Can I put quinoa in the garbage disposal? 

No, you should not put quinoa in the garbage disposal as most disposals do not have the power to break down the grain.

Can I put barley in the garbage disposal? 

No, barley should not go in the garbage disposal as it will not break down.

Can I put oats or oatmeal in the garbage disposal? 

No, oats or oatmeal should not be disposed of in the garbage disposal, even if it is cooked. Oatmeal can expand with water and cause damage to your garbage disposal and pipes.

Can I put whole vegetables in the garbage disposal? 

No, you shouldn’t put whole vegetables down the garbage disposal, as it won’t be able to break down every part of the vegetable.

Can I put celery in the garbage disposal? 

No, celery fibers can cause a blockage in the blades and you should avoid it.

Can I put carrot peels in a garbage disposal? 

No. Carrot peels can form a sticky paste and cause a clog.

Can I put paper towels in a garbage disposal?

Paper towels
Paper towels are also environmentally dangerous to put to garbage disposal.

You should not put paper towels in a garbage disposal because they can clog your pipes and spread through your drainage system and deposit into your local water supply.

Can I put flower stems in a garbage disposal?

You should not put flower stems in a garbage disposal because they are fibrous and can wrap around and bind up a disposal.

Can I put dental floss in a garbage disposal?

You should not put dental floss in a garbage disposal because it is made out of non-biodegradable, petroleum-based plastic. Dental floss and other small plastics are often swept up in the disposal process and end up in the ocean.

What items can put down your garbage disposal with caution

There are some items that you can put into the garbage disposal with caution. You must only get rid of small quantities at once. It is important to use plenty of water when grinding these items and to avoid putting them down the disposal on a regular basis. Over time, even small quantities of these items can accumulate and cause problems for the disposal.

Can I put small bones in a garbage disposal?

A good garbage disposal will pulverize really small bones, but it’s generally not recommended to be done frequently. They can damage the unit if you overdo it. Fibrous foods like bones require considerable grinding time and are often more easily thrown in the trash, and using the trash can also helps prolong the life of your disposal.

Can I put banana peels in a garbage disposal?

Banna peels
Can I put banana peels in a garbage disposal?

It is generally not recommended. Banana peels can cause clogging and entanglement of fibers in the blades, potentially leading to issues with your garbage disposal’s proper functioning. Some heavy-duty models can handle small quantities of banana peels, but it’s best to check your specific model’s specifications before attempting to dispose of banana peels in it.

I wrote a very detailed guide about putting banana peels in garbage disposals, be sure to check it out.

Instead, it is best to dispose of banana peels through composting or using them as fertilizer for plants, as they contain beneficial nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphates, potassium, and sodium. Alternatively, you can feed them to local animals, but ensure to rinse them carefully before mashing them up and leaving them outside. If none of these options are available to you, simply throw banana peels in the trash.

If you decide to put banana peels in your garbage disposal, do so sparingly, remove any stickers, and avoid using lower horsepower units that are generally not recommended for processing bones. In summary, it’s best to find alternative methods for disposing of banana peels to prevent potential problems with your garbage disposal.

Can I put fruit pits in a garbage disposal?

Yes, but with caution. While most fruits can be put down the garbage disposal, cherry, peach, plum and other fruit pits can damage the blades of your garbage disposal or cause a blockage. Large hard pits are going to bounce around and make a lot of noise. It’s often easier to dispose of these in the trash can. It is best to dispose of fruit pits in your green bin, compost pile or garbage container.

Can I put avocado pits in a garbage disposal?

Yes, they can be put in a garbage disposal, but large pits can bounce around and make a lot of noise, and it is often easier to dispose of them in the trash can.

Can I put cherry pits in a garbage disposal?

Avoid hard objects. Soft things like these are much better suited for garbage disposals.

Yes, they can be put in a garbage disposal, as most modern disposals are powerful enough to handle them, although they can be loud and cause added wear and tear.

Can I put nuts in the garbage disposal? 

Yes, but with caution. Nuts can create a sticky paste in your garbage disposal, which can cause a blockage or create bad smells in your sink. Some modern disposals can handle nuts by recommendation of the manufacturer. It is best to dispose of nuts in your green bin, compost pile or garbage container.

Can I put peanuts in the garbage disposal?

Yes, but it is recommended to be cautious when putting peanuts in the garbage disposal. Peanut shells are tough and can cause damage to the disposal. Although softer nuts like peanuts can be put down the disposal, they can still create a sticky paste similar to peanut butter that can clog your drain over time. It is best to dispose of peanuts in your green bin, compost pile, or garbage container.

Can I put milk in the garbage disposal?

Pouring milk down your drains can cause bad odors and clogs in your garbage disposal and pipes. Expired milk can be poured down with lots of cold water and dish soap to alleviate the smell. Condensed milk, buttermilk, oat milk, almond milk, and goat milk are safe to go. Ice cream can go, but be cautious of extra toppings or chunks of other foods inside it.

Can I put yogurt in the garbage disposal?

Yogurt is safe to put in the garbage disposal, except if it has real fruit chunks in it.

Can I put leftover cooked meat or meat scraps in the garbage disposal?

Turkey leftovers
You should avoid putting any bones down the disposer if possible.

Cooked meat scraps are okay to put in the garbage disposal, as long as they are not in large amounts or big chunks. Leftover meat scraps from dinner plates can also go down the disposal. Make sure the meat or meat scraps are cut into small pieces without large bones or excess grease. 

Can I put Drano in the garbage disposal?

You can put Drano in a garbage disposal, but it is recommended that you try other solutions first and be cautious when using it. Drano has the potential to harm your garbage disposal, as well as your eyes and skin. It is crucial to read the instructions thoroughly before using Drano. Keep in mind that Drano Professional Strength Crystals Clog Remover should not be used in garbage disposals as it is not safe.

What items can put down your garbage disposal safely

Lemons are typically good friends of garbage disposals.

You can generally put soft or liquid foods down your garbage disposal. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you would feed it to a baby to determine if it’s safe. You can also dispose of many solid foods like fruits and vegetables (without peels) in the garbage disposal, but it’s recommended to chop them up first to avoid straining the unit. Additionally, you can put ice cubes in the garbage disposal along with your food waste to help loosen any food residue that’s stuck to the blades.

In general, you can put biodegradable food waste down your disposal, such as most vegetable and fruit scraps like tomatoes, apples, and cucumbers. It’s safe to put small sections of citrus fruits like orange peels in your disposal, which will also leave it smelling fresh. You can even put tiny amounts of coffee grounds and eggshells in your disposal.

Can I put baking soda in a garbage disposal? 

Soda in sink
You can use soda to clean up the garbage disposal unit.

Yes, you can use baking soda to unclog and clean your garbage disposal and sink. It is a safe and effective way to do so. To use baking soda to clean your garbage disposal, pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain followed by a cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes before flushing it down with boiling water.

Can I put lemon peels in the garbage disposal? 

Yes, you can put lemon peels in the garbage disposal. However, you should avoid putting huge chunks or too many pieces in at once. Use lemon peels sparingly to improve garbage disposal odors.

Citrus Peels: Can I put citrus peels in the garbage disposal? 

Yes, citrus peels are generally safe to use in your garbage disposal. The skin of lemons and oranges can help cut through any foul-smelling particles and clean out any food waste that has been jammed in your disposal over time. Citrus rinds can also help to naturally clean your disposal and leave it smelling fresh.

Can I put vegetable peels in a garbage disposal?

Vegetable peels
Most vegetable peels are ideal for garbage disposals.

Yes, most vegetable peels are safe to put in the garbage disposal, but tough or fibrous peels like potato skins should be avoided.

Can I put vegetable and fruit scraps in a garbage disposal? 

Yes. You can put most vegetable and fruit scraps in your disposal. Tomatoes, apples, and cucumbers are perfect for garbage disposals. However beware of certain kinds like celery, onions as they can cause clogs. 

Can I use dish ice and soap to clean my garbage disposal?

For a quick and easy cleaning solution, use dish soap and ice cubes made of lemon juice or vinegar. This not only cleans your disposal but also leaves it smelling fresh.

Can I use hot water to clean my garbage disposal?

Yes, you can use hot water to clean your garbage disposal. You can mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar and flush it with very hot or boiling water to clean your disposal.

Lemon rinds
Lemons can help neutralise odours.

Grind happily ever after!

Make sure to read my other detailed guides about putting chicken bones and banana peels in garbage disposals.

With proper use and maintenance, your garbage disposal can be a reliable kitchen companion for years to come. Remember to only put suitable food waste down the disposal, use sufficient water, and clean it regularly. Avoid bad habits that can damage the disposal or clog your pipes, such as putting hard items or too much waste down the drain at once. And don’t forget to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific model. By following these tips, you’ll keep your disposal happy and healthy, and enjoy a lifetime of hassle-free waste disposal. So go ahead, grind happily ever after!

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